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Hi there, I am Andreea.

I've always found myself drawn to the beautiful journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. This quest has led me to explore various healing modalities, seeking to dissolve my own barriers, unearth and release limiting beliefs, and unlock the treasures of my innate potential.


Throughout the past decade, I've delved into numerous methods, but it's the timeless traditions that resonate most deeply with me: shamanic healing and human design. While the latter is a more recent addition, its roots stretch back thousands of years to the venerable i-Ching.


Initiated into the sacred practices of the Earth Keepers and Healers of the light body, as passed down by the Q'ero shamans, descendants of the Inca lineage from Peru, I've been blessed to experience the profound efficacy of these therapies. Through personal experience and guiding others, I've witnessed clients emerge from sessions feeling centered, harmonious, and empowered.


It's from this place of inner clarity and alignment with one's highest self that the magic truly happens—you become the architect of a life you truly adore.

shaman initiation_dea
A tree portraying a human face, symbolizing our connection to nature.

What is Shamanic Energy Therapy?

Shamanic Energy Therapy is an ancient healing practice that taps into the wisdom of indigenous cultures to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. At its core, it recognizes that everything is energy, everything is interconnected, and that imbalances in our energy field can manifest as physical, emotional, or spiritual ailments.

How Does it Work?

In a shamanic energy therapy session, the shaman works directly with your energy body, which is believed to be the blueprint for your physical body and the storehouse of your emotions and experiences. By accessing and clearing this energy field, the shaman can facilitate healing on multiple levels. 

The Four Main Therapies


Clearing the chakras and the luminous energy system of blocked energy, before it transforms into disease; bringing the body out of the constant stress mode (fight or flight reaction) that might otherwise lead you to chronic stress and high cortisol that increases inflammation, damages the normal functions of our organs, causes brain fog, etc.

Extractions of solid and fluid energy

Solid energy extractions involve removing dense emotional residues, energetic blockages, or negative thought patterns that may cause physical discomfort or emotional distress. Examples include releasing stored trauma, clearing limiting beliefs, or removing energetic cords from past relationships. Fluid energy extractions focus on removing intrusive entities or attachments, such as energy vampires, spiritual parasites, or negative thought forms that drain vitality or disrupt energy flow.

Soul retrieval

Bringing back the soul parts that we lost during a traumatic moment. Real and perceived danger or loss make a part of our soul leave us in order to protect itself. This leaves us feeling incomplete or unable to manifest certain gifts and beautiful aspects of ourselves.

Transition rituals

When you go through a big life change, a changing of seasons, of jobs, relationships, etc., this process helps you shed what no longer serves you and recover the gifts that will serve your new chapter. This can also be done for your ancestors (to help their soul get into the World of the Ancestors and not get stuck in the Purgatories).

Image of the burst of light that comes from within us
a girl that caught the sun and also found her inner sun or light.

What results to expect?

The only magic pill is already inside of you. Through these practices, we'll take away the layers of conditioning, trauma, and limitations that keep you from healing and from living your best life. Here's what you might experience: 

  • Empowerment to take the next best steps in your life – With a calm mind, clarity, and feeling aligned with your higher self, you'll be able to leave the drama behind and make the best decisions for the creation of the destiny you're striving for.
  • Emotional and physical pain relief – You'll feel how bringing the energy body into balance and removing the energies that are not yours, will help your physical body heal as well. The emotional pain will also dissipate as you will remove the intensity of the wound, experiencing harmony in your thoughts, body and feelings.

  • Connection – Taking responsibility for our own lives and feeling true love from within always translates into better relationships with ourselves, those around us, nature, and all there is. 

  • Presence – You'll feel more like your true self, complete, and living in the present. You'll feel the beauty of living in acceptance and non-judgement, able to create from who you are NOW and not from the conditioning of the past.

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